How to Create a Vision Board!

How and Why to Create a Personal Vision Board. – Would you like some to clarify who you are, what you want or where you’re going? – Would you like some personal inspiration to get you through the murky days of winter? – Would you like to tap into your inner wisdom and create some focus for yourself? If so, creating a personal Vision Board can help you! If we get what we focus on – we need to make sure we’re focusing on the right things! Find out how in this helpful article. […]

Guilty as Charged?

Part of my ‘journey’ was (and still is) about setting fewer ‘rules’ and being more spontaneous. So, this morning I was reading about guilt – and found it so helpful that I decided to spontaneously share my learnings about guilt with you right away!

I don’t know about you, but one of my struggles with […]