A New First! Woman Aeronautical Display Pilot!

Awesome! When I was little – of course before I understood how awful war is – I wanted to be a fighter pilot. Until my mom kindly pointed out that my eyesight (which is terrible) would mean I could only fly commerically. BORING.

So of course I thought this news item was very cool… The […]

Trailblazers 01 – The Famous Five

The Famous Five (Canada)

Is a woman a ‘person’? Apparently not before these five TRAILBLAZING women from Alberta, Canada banded together.

Emily Murphy – the first female judge in the British Empire Irene Marryat Parlby – a farm women’s leader, activist and first female Cabinet minister in Alberta, Canada Nellie Mooney McClung – a […]

Today’s Date

TrailBlazing Women


Friends and Enemies by Dorothy Rowe
The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz
The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman