Female Circumcision now banned in Uganda!

It’s good to celebrate these victories – wow!

Uganda has made female circumcision illegal – I wonder how many other countries there are where it is still legal?

And I know this won’t necessarily stop the practice – but it sends a message that it is UNACCEPTABLE! And over time, hopefully the practice will die […]

Guilty as Charged?

Part of my ‘journey’ was (and still is) about setting fewer ‘rules’ and being more spontaneous. So, this morning I was reading about guilt – and found it so helpful that I decided to spontaneously share my learnings about guilt with you right away!

I don’t know about you, but one of my struggles with […]

I am grateful that…

It’s Thanksgiving in the USA today – Happy Thanksgiving!

And I found this article on the BBC website which made me very thankful that…

I don’t live in Somalia – where people, especially women are stoned to death for having affairs or sex outside of marriage http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/8366197.stm

As always, we LOVE to hear […]

How NOT to Take Things Personally…

Last week we talked about being honest. So how do we now cope with our friends’ new found honesty and not take things so personally?

First a WARNING – to get my message across I am making huge generalisations about men and women…

So, men regularly insult each other, speak the truth and manage to […]

Why are we so afraid to be honest in our friendships?

When I first moved to Canada I have to confess – I was still a little afraid of women. Growing up I was a tomboy, was schooled in sciences and had just left behind a 10 year career in technology and management. I was used to hanging around guys…

So, as I built my coaching […]

Today’s Date

TrailBlazing Women


Friends and Enemies by Dorothy Rowe
The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz
The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman