Letting Go – What does it really mean?

Letting go is something that coaches and spiritual teachers often talk about – but what does it mean? How can we actually do it?

Another word used to mean the same thing is surrender. People say we should surrender to what is, stop resisting reality, let go of trying to control everything. It’s about […]

News – US Cancels Prom Over Lesbian Date

Curious what you guys think about this…

US school cancels prom ‘over lesbian date’ See the BBC news article here.

I think the bit that got me was that when she asked about the ban on taking a same sex date to the prom – she was told to remember where she was. And […]

Why are we so afraid to be honest in our friendships?

When I first moved to Canada I have to confess – I was still a little afraid of women. Growing up I was a tomboy, was schooled in sciences and had just left behind a 10 year career in technology and management. I was used to hanging around guys…

So, as I built my coaching […]