Trailblazers 01 – The Famous Five

The Famous Five (Canada)

Is a woman a ‘person’? Apparently not before these five TRAILBLAZING women from Alberta, Canada banded together.

Emily Murphy – the first female judge in the British Empire Irene Marryat Parlby – a farm women’s leader, activist and first female Cabinet minister in Alberta, Canada Nellie Mooney McClung – a […]

How NOT to Take Things Personally…

Last week we talked about being honest. So how do we now cope with our friends’ new found honesty and not take things so personally?

First a WARNING – to get my message across I am making huge generalisations about men and women…

So, men regularly insult each other, speak the truth and manage to […]

Why are we so afraid to be honest in our friendships?

When I first moved to Canada I have to confess – I was still a little afraid of women. Growing up I was a tomboy, was schooled in sciences and had just left behind a 10 year career in technology and management. I was used to hanging around guys…

So, as I built my coaching […]

Quickie Exercises – Friendship

FRIEND IDENTIFIER: The Barbecue Test! Simply ask yourself who you would invite over for the “Perfect Barbecue”? FRIEND IDENTIFIER: You’ve been selected to be profiled on “This is Your Life”. What names would you want provided to the show researchers? FRIENDSHIP BOOSTER: Take some time out to tell your most important friends how you […]

Today’s Date

TrailBlazing Women


Friends and Enemies by Dorothy Rowe
The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz
The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman