Rebellion #1 – What do YOU Really Really Want?

Our VERY FIRST REBELLION is linked to this month’s theme of goals. It’s about picking goals that YOU truly want, that get YOU excited – not what everyone else or society thinks you should do… What are your SECRET dreams?

OK, I admit, this doesn’t SOUND very rebellious. Until you try to do it. And […]

Lady Chatterley’s Lover – Sex Sex Sex or Something Deeper?

DH Lawrence in 1906 at 21 yrs old

I’ve just finished reading Lady Chatterley’s Lover by D.H. Lawrence. It was first published in 1928, banned and not published again until the late 1950s – even then causing a stir because of it’s sexual content. Mr Lawrence was quite the rebel…

So firstly, YES, […]

Don’t be Just Another Statistic – This Year Set Resolutions that Actually Work!

It’s week 2 of January 2010. Where are you with your resolutions?

Because millions of people around the globe set resolutions for the year ahead – but most give up part way through. In fact according to statistics, 23% of resolutions are broken in the first week and 45% by the end of the month.


A HUGG – The Best Gift To Yourself?

OK, so I’m getting a bit ahead of myself here… The theme for January is GOALS. But it’s always nice to think about our goals a little BEFORE the end of the year don’t you think? And I love HUGGS…

So, a HUGG is simply a Huge Unbelievably Great Goal…

They’re the huge goals that […]

Guilty as Charged?

Part of my ‘journey’ was (and still is) about setting fewer ‘rules’ and being more spontaneous. So, this morning I was reading about guilt – and found it so helpful that I decided to spontaneously share my learnings about guilt with you right away!

I don’t know about you, but one of my struggles with […]

Today’s Date

TrailBlazing Women


Friends and Enemies by Dorothy Rowe
The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz
The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman